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The end of a successful school year is a time to celebrate, so Goodrich ISD recently held their staff award banquet (with the help of a terrific meal provided by the Goodrich First United Methodist Church)! Goodrich has outstanding staff members across the board, but this year, the spotlight was on the following folks:

The Mirabeau B. Lamar Medal (awarded by the Shepherd Masonic Lodge) was received by Middle School Teacher Vanessa Evans.

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Elementary Paraprofessional of the Year was awarded to Alma Reyes.
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Elementary Teacher of the Year was awarded to Falana Washington.
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Secondary Paraprofessional of the Year Award and 25-year Goodrich ISD Service Award were received by Nacole Wyatt.
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Secondary Teacher of the Year was awarded to Monica Vaughan.
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Support Staff Member of the Year was business manager Sarah Bacica.

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Newcomer of the Year was Ag teacher Hannah Kelso.

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The Maxine Duff Award for outstanding contributions to education was awarded to Kindergarten teacher Selena Hendricks.

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Teacher Incentive Allotment (a new award this year based on the implementation of the state teacher incentive allotment review program) Designees, who will receive additional monies in their teaching position from the state of Texas for their designation status for the next five years, include the following:

Recognized teachers - Hannah Brittingham, Vanessa Evans, Silas Hare

Exemplary teacher (not pictured) - Jonathan Rogers

Master teacher - Jeanie Chapel

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Additionally, Goodrich honored retiring Special Education teacher, Karen LaBar, who is retiring with a total of 44 years in Education!

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Thank you to all our staff for the job you do day in and day out! Have a refreshing summer! Go Hornets!